The Doctor Who Fan Blog: October 2013

Friday 25 October 2013

The Day of the Doctor Trailer #1 Behind the Scenes Pictures

As promised, here are the behind the scenes pictures of the making of the stunning trailer:
76 Totter's Lane, the junkyard where it all began
K9, Sarah Jane's toy Owl and D84 (from The Robots of Death, 1977)
Preparing to film with the Fourth Doctor
Time for a Cyber-Break?
Sixth Doctor vs the Daleks, and an Auton
Back in time? The First Doctor waits by his TARDIS
Classic Console, with the First Doctor and a Dalek in the background

Tuesday 22 October 2013

The Day of the Doctor Trailer #1

This is the stunning trailer that they were working on:
It manages to celebrate every moment of the show, showing all the Doctors and items associated with Doctor Who. This trailer is truly brilliant, absolutely fantastic.

Behind the Scenes pics coming soon.

Sunday 20 October 2013

An Adventure in Space and Time Pictures #1

These pictures, first published on Friday, are the first to depict the main cast of An Adventure in Space and Time. I am certainly looking forward to watching this Docu-Drama, and the likeness of the actors to the original cast is uncanny. Here are the pictures:
David Bradley as William Hartnell
Jemma Powell as Jacqueline Hill (Barbara) and Jamie Glover as William Russell (Ian)
Sacha Dhawan as Waris Hussein (First Director) and Jessica Raine as Verity Lambert (First Producer)
Brian Cox as Sydney Newman (Co-Creator)
David Bradley as William Hartnell (First Doctor) and Claudia Grant as Carol Ann Ford (Susan)

The Day of the Doctor Pictures #1

These were first released on Wednesday and show the first shots of the episode in high quality taken from SFX Magazine. Even though they don't show much, they are exciting. However, Rose isn't even featured and its provides more questions than answers. Here they are:
Matt Smith as The Eleventh Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor hanging onto his TARDIS over Trafalgar Square
David Tennant as The Tenth Doctor; in his TARDIS
Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald and Jemma Redgrave as Kate Stewart
John Hurt in the TARDIS
The new Three Doctors?

Tuesday 1 October 2013

The Day of the Doctor Stings and Trailer

I was so excited when I first heard that the BBC would be unveiling stings and hastag, however it was a little underwhelming. It simply stated the date of the special, with Matt Smith saying "the day of the doctor" and the original theme, and the hashtag was SaveTheDay. I had hoped that it would at least show something more, just a snippet. Even images of the characters would have done for me.
Also, they confirmed that a specially made trailer will be made available asap. Let's just hope its as fantastic as they make it out to be. Here's a behind-the-scenes image of the making of the trailer:

See the stings here: Hashtag StingDate StingComplete Sting